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Just like us humans, our pets also love the Summer months. We get longer evenings which means more time to play! However, the rise in temperature comes with a slight downside, an increase in flea infestations! This is because the flea life cycle happens much faster in Summer. Not to worry though, there are plenty of ways to prevent them from entering your home and pets' fur, which we’ll run through in this guide.
How do I know if my pet has fleas? First, let’s take a look at some of the signs to look out for:
- Excessive scratching
- Areas of hair loss/patches
- Spots
- Redness/irritation
- Thickened skin
- Having bites yourself too.
What shall I do if my pet has fleas?
Flea control is a multistep process that requires a few forms of pest control. It’s all well and good getting rid of the fleas from your pet itself but this won’t prevent them from catching them again. You have to ensure you exterminate any fleas that could be breeding in your home or on your furniture too.
Firstly treat your dog or cat
- Give your pet a flea bath with flea killing shampoo and a flea comb
- Grab some over-the-counter treatment, make sure it’s the right dosage for your pet's weight.
- Give them one bath a day for 3 days to ensure you kill any newly hatched eggs too.
Exterminate any fleas or eggs from your house:
It’s crucial you do a thorough clean of the house to eliminate any fleas hiding in the carpets or furniture and kill any eggs that might later hatch.
- Regularly vacuum the carpets, sofas, and any drapery thoroughly. Fleas will lay eggs in your home and; these flea eggs will develop into flea larvae and pupae, and spread very quickly, allowing your pet to catch them again.
- Once you’ve vacuumed, use flea-killing carpet powder or spray this will prevent any future development of remaining eggs.
- Change all your bedsheets - in case any eggs or fleas are hiding in them!
- Repeat this process regularly
Finally it’s important to make sure you're regularly treating your pets with preventative treatment. Most Vets can advise the best treatment for your pet.