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- Garden Life Stainless Steel Digging Spade - Kent & Stowe

Garden Life Stainless Steel Digging Spade - Kent & Stowe
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Product Details
This perfectly sized Garden Life Stainless Steel Digging Spade is the lighter and more compact version of our full-size Digging Spade to help you dig for longer. The spade is practical and easy to use and gives increased maneuverability around the garden. This spade is ideal for gardeners who might struggle with heavier tools. It is also great for tighter spaces and beds and borders gardening. This Garden Life Stainless Steel Rake pairs well with the digging spade.
- 40% lighter than Kent & Stowe's original stainless steel tool
- High-quality stainless steelhead
- Handle made from beautiful ash wood, split to form a traditional YD
- Larger tread edge for added digging comfort
- Weight performance above UK standards
- For digging, soil turning, improving drainage
- 15-year guarantee
Product Specification:
- Weight: 1.10kg
- Head Size: 198 x 140mm
- Blade thickness: 2mm
- Length: 915mm