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Heygates Traditional Blend Coarse Mix

Heygates Traditional Blend Coarse Mix

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Product Details

Heygates Coarse Mix is the perfect blend of coarse grains for every horse. It includes 10% protein and 14% fibre to keep your equine fueled, satisfied, and healthy. What makes Heygates Coarse Mix so appealing? That's easy! Every ingredient in our mix is carefully selected from baked or cooked sources - meaning there are fewer chances your horse will suffer from nutrient deficiencies. With a high-fibre content and general inclusion of vitamins and minerals, you're giving the all-clear to feeding this to any type of animal with no worries whatsoever. Proceeds go towards not just their gut health but also making sure that we've got happy horses out there creating even more eggs for dessert time (it's delicious!)


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