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- Mother in Laws Tongue - Sansevieria

Mother in Laws Tongue - Sansevieria
This striking plant is also nicknamed the 'Snake Plant' along with the 'Mother in Law's tongue'. It is an extrmely low-maintenance houseplant that's ideal for homes with minimal light. It can even handle occasional neglect! Native to tropical West Africa (where it was first discovered), this durable succulent is perfect at removing toxins such as formaldehyde from your air while improving its quality - making it an excellent choice if you have any health problems or just want clean surroundings all around. A sturdy stem holds up long upright leaves coated in yellow edges.
Care Tips
Light - Position in a spot with indirect light.
Neediness: These plants are extrmely easy to care for you can remove dust with a damp cloth to unblock their pores this will aid breathing.
Watering: Wait until the top layer of soil is dry before watering very gently. Be careful you don't over-water as they can be prone to root rot. Reduce the amount of water given during the winter months.
Location: bedrooms, living rooms, corridors and studies
Rate of growth: Slow-growing, rarely requires pruning
Temperature: Keep at normal room temperature
Pets: this plant is toxic to cats and dogs.