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- Sweetheart Plant - Philodendron Scandens

Sweetheart Plant - Philodendron Scandens
With unique heart-shaped leaves, this exotic houseplant grows on a moss pole.
The sweetheart Plant is a vining Philodendron and can grow to surprising lengths. It's either supported as a climber or left trailing from a hanging basket or shelf. A row of trailing Philodendron scandens creates an amazing green draoping plant curtain. Mature plants may produce spathes of green-white flowers. This option is trained to grow on a moss pole.
Plant Care
This tropical plant is also easy to care for and requires high humidity levels - always keep the soil moist without letting them stand in water (which would cause rot). Spray your leaves at least once per week so they don't dry out too much during warmer months of summertime.
The Sweetheart Plant is versatile. Best in medium light but can tolerate bright light and some degree of shade. Avoid direct sunlight, however, as this may scorch the plant.
Apply a weak solution of liquid fertiliser two or three times during the growing season.