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- Weeping Fig - Ficus Benjamina

Weeping Fig - Ficus Benjamina
The Weeping Fig ‘Danita’ is a member of the Moraceae family (scientific name: Ficus benjamina). Also known as The Mulberry family which includes more than 100 species, including some well-known fruits like figs!
The Weeping Fig is a classic houseplant that will brighten up your room with its golden variegation. This easy-to care for plant has mid-green leaves and creamy edges, making it perfect to decorate any space in the home! One variety stands out from all others - 'Danita' appears more upright than other varieties available on store shelves today.' The ‘Danita’ has exquisite glossy emerald leaves compared to some other varieties which have cream or golden variegation.
Care Tips
The weeping fig needs a bright room with plenty of indirect sunlight, and maybe sometimes a little direct sun in the morning. In its native habitat, it is often grown in semi-shady tropical conditions, but indoors it needs good light to be healthy so choosing the right spot is crucial.
Fast draining soil is best!
Keep the plant fairly moist, but do not allow it to sit in a pool of water or it will drop leaves and may develop root rot. They come from a tropical environment in Australia and Asia where typically drop leaves at the beginning of the dry season, which makes them extremely sensitive to changes in moisture. So ensure your watering schedule is consistent.
Temperature and Humidity
As tropical natives, weeping figs prefer high humidity but normally household levels are ok. They typically grow best in temperatures between 16 - 24 °C.
We'd recommend using a balanced fertilizer, follow the directions on the label and feed every two weeks during the growing season (Spring to Early Autumn). During the winter, reduce feeding to once every 4-6 weeks.